IQ Works - working out what YOU need

iConnect Digital community advisors are ready to assist you in achieving whatever is necessary for YOU or your COMMUNITY.


We work with you and your communities to determine your needs and how technology or the internet can empower YOUR interests and ambitions. We first seek to listen and understand your specific wants.


iConnect Digital can quickly provide practical and doable steps focused on your determined requirements in the digital space. 


It is our privilege to help individuals begin their digital journey. We also support community groups seeking to improve community connectivity.


As a highly mobile and agile free community resource, iConnect Digital community advisors are available to "Meet Up" with you over a coffee at several cafe 'location partners, at a local area community 'meet up' point, or elsewhere via prior arrangement.  


iConnect Digital community advisors can come to you, even if you live 'out the road.'


We understand you need to check your internet connectivity; hence, we can contact you. For more information, see "Meet Up Dates & Locations."


We are mobile, agile, dynamic and versatile. We come to you. 

Prioritizing you

It all begins with YOU! Our technical support revolves around your immediate needs.


Our mission is to ensure that technology meets your requirements. We think, act, and help you in a way that prioritizes your critical needs and how technology can provide access to better support.


We put you (and, if necessary, trustworthy contacts) at the center of determining what you need to know based on your situation, experiences, and technology requirements.


We'll provide quick and responsive support if you have specific immediate requirements. 


What matters most is what you're interested in and how technology can fit your needs. Not how YOU fit in with the challenges presented by technology.


We are ready to help. Get in touch for free support and understanding. 


We can also help you plan, develop, and manage your digital skills development; if this is what you want.